Data Servers & IT Infrastructure

Protection against the harshest environments is critical to prevent electronic damage. Ultra-thin barrier coatings have been shown to waterproof electronics,pass key corrosive gas test requirements and provide the thinnest re-workable conformal coating to increase product life-cycles.

Current Issues

Pass aggressive mix flowing gas challenges, to reflect the increasing harsh environments these products are exposed to.

Prevention of unfavorable material interactions between hydrocarbon cooling oils and electronics rack, and to prevent unfavorable outgassing.

Non-prohibitive masking strategies for components that could be beyond 50 mm high and can survive temperatures up to 100 °C.

Differentiation from competitors

Incumbent non-clean fluxes are not performing to the desired reliability levels.

Liquid based conformal coatings require excessive masking and the associated labour due to connectivity keep-out-zones.

The resulting thickness of parylene and silicone based conformal coatings prevent re-work on the assembly line leading to increased scrap and reduced product life-cycles; negatively impacting sustainability.

P2i's Solution

P2i’s barrier coating:

Provides the desirable insulative properties and pass aggressive qualification and reliability tests.

Prevents material interaction issues between the cooling hydrocarbon and the electronics through high integrity of the conformal coating.

Requires minimal masking and allows re-work when required.

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