NON-Executive Board and Strategic Advisors

John Malliris

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Non-Executive Director

John Malliris is based in Hong Kong and has 19 years of experience in the finance industry across private equity, special situation and credit investing in SE Asia/Australasia. Prior to ADV, John was an Executive Director with JPMorgan’s Asia Special Situations Group where he led a team responsible for deal origination, execution and asset management for SE Asian and Australasian investments. Previously, John was a Director with Asia Mezzanine Capital where he worked on primary mezzanine transactions and was also an Assistant Director with Prudential Asia Infrastructure Investors where he covered opportunities in telecom, power and transportation sectors. John began his career as an investment banking analyst with Peregrine Capital. John has an MBA in Financial Management from MIT Sloan School of Management and holds a Masters in Medical Science as well as a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from Boston University. He is fluent in English and Greek.

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