

Audina Protects Hearing Aids with P2i Nano-coating Technology

Five times more durable than leading market competition.
Moisture, sweat and body oils can all contribute to hearing aid breakdown and failure.

How does it work and help?

“This high-tech coating system ensures that the sensitive electronic components are protected thus providing optimal durability and performance. P2i nano-coating dramatically lowers the product’s liquid surface friction, so when humidity or sweat come into contact with a device, beads form and simply roll off”.

Audina Protects Hearing Aids with P2i Nano-coating Technology

Five times more durable than leading market competition. Moisture, sweat and body oils can all contribute to hearing aid breakdown and failure.

How does it work and help?

“This high-tech coating system ensures that the sensitive electronic components are protected thus providing optimal durability and performance. P2i nano-coating dramatically lowers the product’s liquid surface friction, so when humidity or sweat come into contact with a device, beads form and simply roll off”.


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