Smart Locks

The highest levels of protection reliability are required to prevent device failure so as not to prevent someone from gaining access or needing to send out an engineer to fix the problem. This can be achieved using ultra-thin plasma coatings to increase product life-cycles.

Current Issues

Protecting locks from environmental challenges and increasing extreme weather in a reliable and repeatable manner.

Ensure the full board is fully coating, including all component underfill to maximise product life-cycle.

Differentiation from incumbent solutions

Mechanical seals are no longer viable as holes and gaps are actively built in as critical for 5G connection and the engineering tolerances are not feasible to maintain protection due to perishing from the elements.

Incumbent liquid dispensed methods are not reliable enough as can’t guarantee full protection and component underfill.

P2i's Solution

Barrier Coating will be critical post SMT for all PCBAs and the products they go into as water and environmental challenges will get inside the device and cause corrosion and product failure.

Additional benefits of providing Splash-proof to prevent initial water and solvent ingress will depend on the specific product design and the manufacturer’s qualification and reliability specifications.

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