Fabrics – wearable bands

PFOA-free coatings to provide minimal water uptake and to minimise drying times are highly desirable for wrist-mounted electronics. Plasma deposition technology is proven in mass manufacturing where the gas phase process works at the molecular level to maxmise durable protection.

Current Issues

Fabric bands for wearables need to prevent water weight up-take and have reduced drying times.

Need a PFOA-free, stain resistant coating that does not affect hand and cosmetics.

Differentiation from incumbent solutions

Liquid based coatings are too thick, affecting the hand and cosmetic look. In addition, the non-uniform attachment can lead to inconsistency of moisture retention and drying times.

P2i's Solution

10x reduction in Moisture Retention and Drying Time.

Increased repellency to aqueous liquids – AATCC193.

Increased repellency to oils – AATCC118.

Not impact to the cosmetic features of the product (no color transfer – crocking) – AATCC8.

Improved lifetime of the product; high abrasion resistance and coating washability – AATCC150:2018.

Coating Approved for Subject Human Contact Use (HRIPT – Human Repeat Insult Patch Test).

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