Executive Leadership Team

Cesar Schmitd

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Commercial Director - US

As of December 2023, Cesar has been appointed as the Commercial Director of North America for P2i. With over a decade of experience and a natural leadership ability, he has consistently led cross-functional teams and implemented strategic initiatives that have driven significant business growth. Cesar's professional journey began at Microsoft, where he worked from 2011 to 2012. Following this, he joined Din Cloud, a Private IaaS Cloud startup, as part of the Chief Strategy Officer team from Goldman Sachs. During his tenure, he played an integral role in the company's successful $368M exit to Insight Technologies. Throughout his career, Cesar has held various key positions, including Director of Sales at Innovative Data Consulting, Regional Director at Pivot3 (one of the largest hyper-converged manufacturers in video surveillance), and Vice President of Sales at C1P Solutions. His diverse experiences have equipped him with a deep understanding of sales and business development. From 2019 to 2021, Cesar served as the Commercial Director at NetApp, where his strong analytical skills and keen business acumen enabled him to identify new opportunities and develop innovative solutions for complex challenges. Additionally, Cesar has made significant contributions to the field of cybersecurity. He joined Pro Lion from 2021 to 2022, focusing on protecting organizations against Ransomware. He also played a crucial role in promoting advanced technologies that have had a positive impact on various industries and environments through Lenovo's Enterprise ISG team (Infrastructure Solutions Group). Cesar's positive attitude, strong work ethic, and commitment to excellence have consistently contributed to the success of the organizations he has been a part of. He is known for his ability to deliver value and exceed expectations, making him a valuable asset to any team or organization.

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